Language Access Basic Training Download
Welcome to Language Access Basic Training!
This page contains instructions for you to download, install, register for and log into the LABT training. Please read them carefully. You may want to keep this window open until you've logged into the training. To begin, download the appropriate installation package. If you have problems downloading then please contact your IT department.
Download and Installation

Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)
Download (549mb)
- Right-click on the Download link and select "Save As" or "Save target as".
- In the save dialog, select the Desktop as the save location.
- When the download is complete, double click the file. This will open a window with a folder inside named LABTraining.
- Move the LABTraining folder onto your desktop. This will unzip the install package.
- Once unzipped, move the to the trash.
- Open the folder LABTraining and double click the LABTraining application to begin.
- Now go to the Registration instructions below.

Macintosh OS X (10.7.3 or later)
Download LABTraining.dmg (539mb)
- Click the Download LABTraining.dmg link to download the install package.
- Once downloaded double click the file to mount the virtual disk (note, your browser may do this automatically).
- Mounting the virtual disk will open a window with 3 icons in it. As the window suggests, drag theLABTraining icon and the Personal Lexicon icon to the Applications folder.
- After they finish copying, eject the LABTraining virtual disk.
- Next, go to your Applications folder and double click the LABTraining icon to begin.
Registration (first time users only)
- Complete your registration by clicking the link “I need to complete my registration first.”
- Fill out the registration form. Note that you must use the same email address that was used on the welcome email you received.
- Click the "Complete Registration" button. If your registration email was recognized then you’ll automatically be logged in.
- Monolingual employees: Proceed with FUNDAMENTALS MODULE ONLY.
- Bilingual employees: Proceed with all three modules: FUNDAMENTALS, BILINGUAL SKILLS AND BILINGUAL ASSESSMENT MODULES. Complete these modules in order.
Logging In
- You will need to re-enter your email address and password whenever you quit the program and want to log back in.
- You don't have to complete the entire course all in one sitting.
- If you decide to quit the application and come back later then it will remember where you left off.
- Feel free to take some of the training at work and some at home.
Enjoy the training. Good luck!